Thursday 10 March 2016

11.1 - Script Analysis

Style: This is a dark superhero movie about a broken man trying to reclaim his glorious reputation as the Batman.
Content: This page of from the script showcases an intense emotionally driven conversation between Bruce and his mentor Alfred.
Genre: The genre of the script is a drama, this is made clear by the intensity of the dialogue and the subject matter being discussed.
Target Audience: The target audience is primarily male due to the fact that the two characters being featured are male. The scene appeals to many different audiences due to the subject matter of relationships, something all humans can relate to and understand.

Little Miss Sunshine

Style: This is drama with light comedy spread throughout, it concerns a troubled family which through various circumstances end up going on a road trip together.
Content: The script discusses characters and locations primarily, such as when Richard has his age described, and the location is described in depth for production design purposes.
Genre: The genre of the script is a drama/comedy, this is made clear by the content of the dialogue and the subject matter being discussed.
Target Audience: The target audience is primarily mothers, father and families. This is because they are the groups being represented here

The Archers
The first page features the title and the episode number. It also includes credits for the writer, the editor and the director. It shows the recording date, the tape number and the date/week. This first page also identifies the various scenes and characters featured.

The second goes into further depth concerning the specific scene details such as the setting e.g. interior village hall alongside time stamp 2PM. It also provides dialogue between characters, setting up the relationships between said characters and the overarching plot.

The dialogue is varied between characters so that each cast member has enough to.

Sound effects are added in post following the script read from the cast.

Anything written in brackets is stage direction, names are applied to the left side of the script so that the actors know what to read, when to read it, and in what order.

Content: The script is about people who live on a farm, and the challenges they face whilst running it.
Style: This is a slow paced show which focuses on character drama, this is a good base for a long term running show.
Genre: This is a drama, it involves realistic situations being dealt with by realistic people. It has it's fair share of character dynamics.
Target Audience: The show is aimed for those who enjoy slow paced dramas about people who have to deal with family and job problems.

Game of Thrones

Content: This is a dark fantasy about a fictional continent named Westeros, specifically concerning the northmen who guard the wall from what lies beyond.
Style: These pages from the first episode showcase an intense scene as men are hunted down by mystical beings named 'The Others'.
Genre: The genre is fantasy drama, this is made clear by the fantastical creatures and the dialogue between characters.
Target Audience: The target audience is 18+ due to the graphic nature of the content being shown. This scene appeals to those who enjoy both fantasy stories and dramatic stories.

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